"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." ~ Colossians 3:23,24

Sunday, April 30, 2006

C.I.T.-ing (mostly)

Whoa. It's Ben. Brace yourself.

Ok, so some stuff: there I was, sitting at dinner, when ma mom talked about C.I.T.-ing at Qwanoes. I'm like 'Double-Yoo Tee Eff?'. Anyway, I had, up until now, been planning on working the summer way, earning my way to University. Well, sort of. Hadn't really gotten around to actually applying anywhere. So yea, the main point: I'm seriously looking at C.I.T.-ing, and (yes I know I'm really late in applying) I'd like to know what, if any of you have done it, it is like. It sounds cool and all, but I just don't know, you know? I'm sure you do.

Well yea, comment, or, even better, e-mail me. It's ben@lifeofreilly.org. Do it now. Now. Yes. And prayers are welcome too. Or suggestions. Or offers of money.

Or contact me through MSN at bd.reilly@gmail.com. I guess you can e-mail that one too; it all goes to the same place: me.

And that's about it.


High King of Narnia??

Well for the past 18 years, i have been in narnia. well 18 years in narnian time. it was actually only a little while ago that i went to narnia. i was in my room when i opened my closet and saw a lions face stairing back at me. at this point i knew that it was aslan calling to his side to fight agaisnt the blue witch. yes, not the white witch, the blue one. every time she got angry at someone she lit them on fire with her blue flames. aslan and i put together a small army to rise against her a take back narnia for good. on the plains of baruna, the same plains that peter, susan, edmund, and lucy once fought on, we our armies met in battle. it was then that i saw him... harry potter riding a hungarian horntail. i knew that the witch had bewitched him and it was up to me and a talking amazon tree frog to set him free. once we killed the >horntail, harry's mind went back to normal again. at the same time aslan had finished killing the witch. only an hour after the battle was my coronation ceremony. i ruled narnia for 18 years until i set out on hunting trip to try and catch the mystical pink goose who would grant me chocolate eggs with a caramel center. but i lost my way and came back through my closet and i chekced my email agter remembering how to use a computer, (they dont have computers in narnia) and said "oh yeah nina, a girl i once knew and then i typed this story.

King Cameron, High King of Narnia

Saturday, April 29, 2006

suggestion box/ complaining about weather

Well, it's saturday, and it's also RAINING! Which is too bad, because Lisa planned what sounded like it was going to be an awesome game of baseball. Also (curse you, weather), I'm walking to work tonight at 4:30 and I was hoping to do so in calm weather.

Anyways, I was thinking the other day... we don't really do much together anymore, aside from the sunday morning and wednesday night get-togethers (which are more directed at learning about God, etc. that at socializing). We should all get together to watch a movie in the YouthCentre or something! I'd even be willing to help organize :). Heh heh...

So, here's hoping there's sunshine on the horizon (which I'm positive there is, it's just a question of how close), and gatherings in our future.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Project Pursuit!

Hello Friends,

In the midst of a long night of intense art immersion, I have decided to blog! I have two major projects due tomorrow, and I'm on break between finishing one and starting the other. I'm actually slightly excited, because I feel quite up to the challenge. What is this "challenge," you ask?? Well... there is a very good chance I will be awake until dawn creating this second project. I even had a SNACK in preparation for the extended hours of painting, collaging, sketching, gluing, and--oh dear, even...-- ANALYZING. That's right... the dreaded "A-word"! Okay, maybe I'm not so keen on that particular aspect of the night, but, overall, it should be good times. I'm creating two portraits for English; one of the perfect face of the prince from Beauty and the Beast--BEFORE he turns into the Beast, and one of that same face altered so that it shows his soul (which would be the angry, selfish, and ruthless beast inside him). Fun stuff, eh?
Anyways, my break should probably come to a close about now, since it has gone on for a good half-hour. Good luck to everyone else who has been fighting strong in the homework battle! Yay team (right, Brett?? He clearly finds it strange when I say 'team' *high five*)! Brettsky doesn't even read this blog, does he? Ah well... Nighty night.........................................TEAM!


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Sr. High Updates

We're going camping!

Next Friday, May 5th, we're going camping sr.high style - right out behind the church. We'll build a bonfire, chill, worship, and plan for the summer. When midnight rolls around we'll hold a volleyball competition to tune up for Saturday's big match.

If you're interested in coming, and wanna know what you can bring to help out, email andreas (andreas@andreasbasson.com) and let him know.

It'll be good times - I promise! Plus, Saturday, May 6th is "Stick It!" night. Yeah, we're watching the movie, and it's gonna be great.

Please note: Next Wednesday, May 3rd, GAP will be at the church. Make your way to the youth centre at regular GAP time (7ish)

Monday, April 24, 2006


For all those who did not know (or did not receive the email), today is Natasha's birthday! It was a drop-in style party, so I dropped-in at about 5:45, only to find that "Natasha wasn't there yet." Oh, BUT WAIT! "GAHHHHH!" Ahah! THERE is Natasha! Popping out of the corner to freak me out the moment I walk in! Yes, indeed it was a surprise party after all. We played bacce (I have no clue how to spell it, but it sounds like "BAH-chee") ball! Natasha and I were the Sunshine Yellow Team (as our balls were yellow)! *sound effect of sun rays* Keddi tried to be cool by calling her team FIRE *sound effect of fire--invented by Keddi-Anne Sherbino--which sounds like a hissing cat*, but clearly no one's cooler than Team Sunshine. I'm not sure who actually won our intense game of bacce, but we were interupted by the dinner call. Yay for salmon burgers! Okay, I was the ONLY one who actually had the salmon kind... APPARENTLY, beef is more popular. But anyways... there were some fun chats about some fun random things (like seeing up people's shorts--ew, it's very disturbing for girls... or just Tara's--, softball vs. baseball, Natasha's sticky hair-- we found everything from flower petals to chips in there--, and many other very interesting topics). Eww... I have icing up my nose (I'll explain THAT in a second). The party REALLY started when Finch arrived! Kidding! Sorry, Finch, it was a highlight for TARA only.
Well, anyways, then came the cake. That was a fun time. Nobody really likes great globs of icing, so there was a pile of it leftover on the cake cardboard thingy, and we joked about eating it. Then Morgan, the sick child, splatted the pile of nasty chocolate icing into my plate! "EAT IT! I DARE YOU!" said she with a wicked smile on her face. "No!" I replied, "I have no motivation whatsoever to eat icing!" (I was waiting for the money bribery of course, but it did not come). Haha, it was all fun and games... UNTIL I decided that the icing could sit on the plate no longer! MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! So, yes, Morgan's face was then covered in icing, and then she got me back, and then we got Natasha. Tee hee... all over our hair and face. Then we asked her dad to take a picture, and sneaky ol' Natasha comes up from behind, and SQUASH! She rubs another huge glob all over my face! It was caked on (haha! Get it?? Caked on? Cake? Icing is from cake?? Hahaha!). Yes, I know, I am not very funny NOR a very good story-teller, but that's it. The climax of the party was definitely the cake fight of madness, because once Morgan and I came out from the bathroom, EVERYONE WAS GONE! We laughed. And then we left. And that's the end of the story. I still have icing up my nose, so I think I'll go take a shower now.
Happy Birthday, Natasha! We clearly love you a lot! In fact, in celebration of this joyous occasion, I will put a beautiful picture up of you from Mexico!

Love you, birthday girl!


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Fun Times

Hey hey hey Friends from Senior High!

Wow, might I mention that I am quite excited about this whole blogging deal? It's pretty sweet. Okay, so I wanted to add some more pictures to our collection, and here they are:

Jenn and Janine

Jacqueline and Keddi (kissy kissy!)

Christina, Lindsay, and Erin

Ashley and Josh (who isn't in Senior High, but that's okay! :))

Boys doing what boys do (Cotter, Brett, and Cam)

Natasha to the Tunicliffe

Morgan and Tara hugging-until-it-gets-awkward

Alanna, Brittany, and Jenn being DRAMATIC!

All right, it won't let me put anymore pictures on here, so, in the words of Mr. Arnold S--California's grand leader-- "I'll be back!"


Ministry Team

Quick update on Ministry Team!

As we all know, Steve isn't in town at the moment, but instead of cancelling Ministry Team, I figure I'll help out and lead it tomorrow. For all of you on MT, let's meet at 5:30pm in the regular location (uhhh... not so sure where that is). Bring your bible and other extraneous MT stuff. We'll run for an hour (5:30-6:30pm) and then break for a quick dinner before DSF at 7pm.

See you there!

Love & hugs,


Friday, April 21, 2006

well hello!

So i'm sitting at my desk at work looking out on a gym full of spandex (oh how lovely that is) and I decided that I should write something of a blog. At small group on Wednesday (the one I help lead) we decided that we needed a senior high website so that we're able to stay updated with all of the info. Seeing as I'm obsessed with blogging (or so Cam says), I figured a blog would be a good way to do things. You can post, I can post, and we can all write comments. If you want to throw some pictures up on the blog, go right ahead. Do whatever you want (within reason of course).

The only thing that I can think to announce right now is Drama team practice on Sunday after church. If you're on the team please let Rachel or I know if you will be able to attend the TFN night on Tuesday. Also, if you're available to attend the road tour on May long weekend, please let us know.

I hope you're having a good Friday! I have to step out into the world of spandex now, and Cammy Cam Cam will be joining me shortly (yes, he does indeed wear spandex - I laugh!)

Love & hugs,
